School Nurses and MBM Health...Together We Play a Role

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"I don't feel good..."
School nurses have heard this lament since the days of Dick and Jane. And just as those youngsters reflect a simpler era, today's "I don't feel goods" reflect our more complex times. Since school nurses have to deal with so much more -- you need vendor partners who can give so much more.

MBM recognizes the incredible demands placed on your profession, as you strive to nurture healthy, ready-for-learning students.

To help meet those demands, MBM is dedicated to providing everything you need to care for your children. The MBM Village representing "A Community of People Who Care About People," is here for you, so you can be there for them. Your school's children are our future and you help pave the way.

MBM and school nurses: together, we'll turn those "I don't feel goods" into "all betters" -- today and tomorrow.

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